Tonight: Watch Sanremo Festival 2023 Second night's show

Tonight: Watch Sanremo Festival 2023 Second night's show
Wednesday, 08 February 2023

  • Sanremo Festival 2023 progresses this evening to the second show with the second set of participants taking the stage at Teatro Ariston.

    Following the first night's show and the first results, tonight Sanremo festival move on to its second night during which the rest 14 acts will take the stage for the first performance of their songs. For each show Amadeus will have on his side one more act to co-host the show. In this night's show Amadeus will present the show alongside with Francesa Fagani.

    This evening the rest 14 acts to take the stage to perform their entries for the first time are:

    1. Will – “Stupido” (Stupid)
    2. Modà – Lasciami” (Leave me)
    3. Sethu – “Cause perse” (Lost causes)
    4. Articolo 31  – Un bel viaggio” (A nice trip)
    5. Lazza – Cenere” (Ash)
    6. Giorgia – Parole dette male” (Bad words)
    7. Colapesce DiMartino – “Splash”
    8. Shari – “Egoista” (Selfish)
    9. Madame –Il bene nel male” (The good in the bad)
    10. Levante –Vivo” (I live)
    11. Tananai – “Tango”
    12. Rosa Chemical – “Made in Italy”
    13. LDA – Se poi domani” (If then tomorrow)
    14. Paola e Chiara – Furore” (Fury)

    In addtion, Al Bano & Massimo Ranieri, Black Eyed Peas, Angelo Duro, Gemelli di Guidonia, Nek & Francesco Renga, Fedez, Francesco Arca and Pooh with Mariasole Pollio will be featuring the second night's show as guest stars. 


    Second evening's voting process

    According to the voting system, during the first two evenings the results will be influenced by the three bodies, Jury of the Press Room & TV, Radio and Web jury with the first two having a 33,3% contribution to the result and the Radio and Web also a  33,3% share. After the vote, a ranking of the 14 songs / artists performed in each of the two evenings will be drawn up.


    How to Watch

    The first night of Sanremo festival is set to hit the screen at 20:40 CET and you can watch it either on RAI 1 or RaiPlay.

    News Source/ Image: Rai1