Italy: Sanremo 2023 first night show results

The first night of Sanremo festival was completed last evening with the first ranking results placed on the scoreboard.
The 73rd edition of the Sanremo Festival kicked off last with the first evening's show taking place in Teatro Ariston. Sanremo Festival 2023 is set to unfold over five nights from February 7 to February 11, 2023.
For each show Amadeus will have on his side one more act to co-host the show. In last night's show Amadeus presented the show alongside with the Italian influencer and fashion blogger Chiara Ferragni.
Twenty-five artists will compete in the 73rd edition of Sanremo with twenty-five unpublished songs and three independent juries for accredited journalists in the first two evenings (print, Radio and TV, Web) that will determine along with televoting the final outcome.
Durng the first evening show a total of 14 act took the stage performing their entries. Following are the 14 acts and their performances which you can watch by clikcking on the songtitles:
- Marco Mengoni – “Due vite” (Two lives)
- Elodie – “Due” (Two)
- Come_Cose – “L’addio” (The goodbye)
- Ultimo – “Alba” (Dawn)
- Leo Gassman – “Terzo cuore” (Third heart)
- Mara Sattei – “Duemilaminuti” (Twothousandminutes)
- Colla Zio – “Non mi va” (I do not feel like)
- Cugini di Campagna – “Lettera 22″ (Letter 22)
- Mr. Rain – “Supereroi” (Superheroes)
- Gianluca Grignani – “Quando ti manca il fiato” (When you’re out of breath)
- Ariete – “Mare di guai” (Sea of trouble)
- gIANMARIA – “Mostro” (Monster)
- OLLY – “Polvere” (Dust)
- Anna Oxa – “Sali” (Go out)
According to the voting system, during the first two evenings the results will be influenced by the three bodies, Jury of the Press Room & TV, Radio and Web jury with the first two having a 33,3% contribution to the result and the Radio and Web also a 33,3% share. After the vote, a ranking of the 14 songs / artists performed in each of the two evenings will be drawn up.
Here is how the ranking turned out after the first evening's show:
Additionally, Eurovision 2022 participants and last year’s winners of the Sanremo Mahmood & Blanco appeared on this first night, while the show also featured the group Pooh along with Roby Facchinetti, Red Canzian and Dodi Battaglia plus Riccardo Fogli.
Saremo Festival continues on Wendesday evening, February 8 with the second night's performances.
News Source/Image: RAI