Italy: Sanremo festival 2020 second night’s results; Francesco Gabbani tops the ranking board

Italy: Sanremo festival 2020 second night’s results; Francesco Gabbani tops the ranking board
Thursday, 06 February 2020

  • The Sanremo 2020 Festival continues to unfold as it moved on tonight in its second show during which the second set of 12 of the 24 acts in the “Campioni” category of the competition took the stage, while the rest four acts out of 8 in the  “Nuove Proposte” category performed on stage. 


    The event which traditionally takes place at Teatro Ariston, opened with the rest 4 acts from the “Nuove Proposte” (New proposals) category, which competed in duels. From each duel the winner determined by the demoscopic jury qualified to the next round  The competing act and duels were:

    DUEL 1

    1. Gabriella Martinelli e Lulav– Il gigante d’acciaio 49,0%
    2.  Fasma –Per sentirmi vivo 51,0%

    DUEL 2

    1. Marco Sentieri – Billy Blu 52,0%
    2.  Matteo Faustini – Nel bene e nel male 48,0%

    Therefore Fasma  and Marco Sentieri were the winners in tonight’s battles.


    The second set of 12 acts out of the 24 acts in the “Campioni” category of the competition followed with their live performances which you can watch by clikcking  the following links next to the competing acts’names:

    1.  Piero Pelù – Gigante
    2.  Elettra Lamborghini – Musica (e il resto scompare)
    3.  Enrico Nigiotti – Baciami adesso
    4.  Levante – Tikibombom
    5.  Pinguini Tattici Nucleari – Ringo Starr
    6.  Tosca – Ho amato tutto
    7.  Francesco Gabbani – Viceversa
    8.  Paolo Jannacci –Voglio parlarti adesso
    9.  Rancore – Eden
    10. Junior Cally – No grazie
    11. Giordana Angi – Come mia madre
    12. Michele Zarrillo – Nell’estasi o nel fango

    The second night of Saremo festivsl 2020 saw popular names of the Italian music industry on stage as guests , such as Tiziano Ferro,  Zucchero Fornaciari, Gigi D’Alessio and Massimo Ranieri.  Present among the audience was the worlds No1 tennis player  Novak Djokovic.  At the end of the evening, the conductor, Amadeus , communicated the ranking of the 12 champions obtained from the votes of the demoscopic jury.

    The demoscopic jury consists of 300 fans that have the chance to vote from their home via an electronic online system powered by Ipsos. In the following board you can see the ranking of the first day according to the demoscopic jury.  Each days rankings will be added up all together in order on the last day to determine the top 3 acts who will go in a Super final round from which the final winner will be voted.

    Big winner of the night was Francesco Gabbani who topped this evening’s scoreboard determined by the demoscopic jury’s votes.

    You can take a look below to the overall ranking of Sanremo’s 2020 second night show:

    ArtistSongDemoscopic jury’s ranking
    Francesco Gabbani                            Viceversa    1  
    Piero Pelù                              Gigante    2  
    Pinguini Tattici Nucleari                            Ringo Starr    3  
    Tosca                         Ho amato tutto    4  
    Michele Zarrillo                  Nell’estasi o nel fango    5  
    Levante                          Tikibombom    6  
     Giordana Angi                     Come mia madre    7  
    Paolo Jannacci                  Voglio parlarti adesso    8  
     Enrico Nigiotti                        Baciami adesso    9  
     Elettra Lamborghini             Musica (e il resto scompare)    10  
    Rancore                                Eden    11  
     Junior Cally                            No grazie    12

    Next evening the Sanremo festival continues with its third night during which all 24 acts will perform on stage past hits from the festival’s history alongside with big names of the Italian music scene.