Eurovision 2021: Third day Press Poll results

Eurovision 2021: Third day Press Poll results
Tuesday, 18 May 2021

  • Like every year OGAE is holding the Eurovision 2021 Press Poll for the two semi final shows and the final Eurovision winner. 

    The Press poll kicked off two days before and went through its third day of results. The voting consists of three parts, one voting porcess for each semi final and one for the final winner. Accredited press members cast their 10 qualifiers for the first two semi final votings while in the third voting they choose their final winner.  

    In addition, we must outline that due to the covid-19 restrictions the press comsists of the online press which attend the event online and the onsite press that have access to the press center on spot.

    Here are the results in the three categories of votes after three days of voting: 


    Semi final one 


    Online Press

    Semi1 online


    Onsite Press

    Semi1 onsite


    Overall Press Results for Semi final 1

    semi1 overall



    Semi Final Two


    Online Press

    Semi2 online


    Onsite Press

     semi final2 onsite


    Overall Press results for Semi final 2



    Eurovision 2021 winner


    Online Press

    winner online


    Onsite Press

    winner onsite


    Overall Press result for the Eurovision 2021 winner

    winner final



    News Source: OGAE