Denmark: The three DMGP 2020 district semi final qualifiers

Three more finalists of the upcoming Dansk Melodi Grand Prix (DMGP) have beeb determined, as the district semi finals were completed.
In this year’s edition we see some changes introduced in the way the Danish representative will be selected. Five out of the ten songs of the national final have already been determined. The rest five entries will be selected through a radio selection with a total of 9 songs which are divided in three groups of three , depending on the region the acts come from (North,South and Eastern Denmark). The audience had to cast its votes until January 24 and the song that received the most votes in each group qualified to the DMGP 2020 final.
The songs that competed in the semi final round were:
Group A (South Denmark)
Jamie Talbot – Bye Bye Heaven
Kenny Duerlund – Forget It All
Nick Jones – 2AMGroup B (East Denmark)
SamSara – For You
Søren Okholm – Impossible DreamersGroup C (North Denmark)
Emil – Ville ønske jeg havde kendt dig
Mielou – We Could Be So Beautiful
Sander Sanchez – SCREENSThe three acts that came first in their groups receiving the most votes and qualified to the grand final are :
Kenny Duerlund – Forget It All
Sander Sanchez – SCREENS
From the remaining 6 entries that didn’t qualify according to public voting, a jury will award two wildcards for the final, completing the total of 10 contestants we will see in the final show. On January 31 we will find out the two wildcards and the 5 prequalified finalists.The national final will see a total of 10 entries that will battle to receive 50% of the points from the audience and another 50% by the juries. Once the voting is over the first three entries will go into a super final round where again public and jury voting will determine the final winner and the next Danish Eurovision representative in Rotterdam.