Albania: Anxhela Peristeri will perform 'Karma' at Eurovision 2021 in Albanian

Albania: Anxhela Peristeri will perform 'Karma' at Eurovision 2021 in Albanian
Saturday, 26 December 2020

  • The Albanian Eurovision 2021 hopeful, Anxhela Peristeri, has confirmed that she will perform her ESC entry 'Karma' in Albanian next May in Rotterdam.

    Earlier this week Anxhela Peristeri won the Albanian national secletion, Festival i Kenges 59, with her song 'Karma'. Talking to a Wiwibloggs correspondent Anxhela confirmed her decision to keep her song in Albanian and deliver it as it was presented in the national final. 

    Specifically Anxhela said : 

    “After meeting with my composer and lyrics writer, I decided to keep the song in Albanian, since from the beginning of making of the song, the idea was to keep it in Albanian.”

    Behind the Albanian hopeful's entry is the composer Kledi Bahiti and lyricist Olti Curri both nationally acclaimed music personas of their country. In several cases in the past contests the Albanian acts opted for an English version of their songs, that left the peroformances poorer of the elements of authenticity and emotional extroversion. Peristeri and her composition team want to avoid such development and opt for the Albanian lyrics as a more effective way to express the emotions and story the song features.

    "Karma" is  dramatic ballad in which Peristeri sings about someone blaming herself for her world falling apart. Albanian  or not the lyrics themselves are really powerful showcasing a tragedy through strong emotional words: 

    Bota mbi mua ra                   The world fell on me
    Më ike ti, më ikën miqtë      I fled you, my friends fled
    As dritë nuk kam                 I have no light


    A few words for Anxhela Peristeri

    Anxhela Peristeri  is an Albanian singer, born in Korytsa 24 March 1986, with Greek roots also as her father is of Greek origin. She finished high school in Tirana and after moved to Greece in Athens to continue her University studies. 

    In December 2001, Peristeri participated in Festivali i Këngës with the song "Vetëm ty të kam". In Greece the talented act achieved a significant music career by singing on stage next to big names of the Greek music scene and participated in the Greek x-factor. 

    Despite her rising career in Greece in 2014 she decide to return to Albania. In December 2016, she debuted at Kënga Magjike 2016 with the song “Genjeshtar”, where she finished in 2nd place. Then in December 2017, she won the 19th edition of Kënga Magjike with the song "E Çmendur". In December 2019, she competed in the 21st edition with the song "Dikush i imi" and eventually finished in the third place.

    Enjoy below Anxhela's winning performance of 'Karma': 

     NEws Source: Wiwibloggs