Spain: RTVE launches “Eurovision Voice Assistant” and unveils its alternative Eurovision program for May

The Spanish national broadcaster ,TVE, following the same path of other, ESC 2020 participanting broadcasters, has released the plan for its alternative Eurovision program in May and its new “Eurovision Voice Assistant”.
After the EBU canceled this year's Eurovision on March 18, which would have taken place in Rotterdam on May 12, 14 and 16, several radio broadcasters have decided to do broadcast alternative Eurovision programs - in addition to the non-competition show Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light on May 16 .
RTVE is planning to broadcast special home concerts by past Eurovision participants, shows that will be hosted by its Eurovision commentator Toni Aguilar. Further on, the broadcaster will air a two hour program covering all the Spanish Eurovision entries since the country entered the Eurovision family back in 1961. In addition, TVE will bring back some good Eurovision memories to the fans by showing all the Eurovision editions of the last decade (2009-2019) on his website platform.
TVE’s overall Eurovision shcedule will include the following programs:
- Eurovision on Replay– Past Eurovision editions (2009-2019) on
- Españavision – Will show all Spanish Eurovision performances on
- Eurovision Concert with recent Spanish Eurovision contestants
- Eurobalcon – Spanish Eurovision acts perfroming from home
- “Mi Vida Es Un Archivo” - Special documentary dedicated to Masssiel’s life
- Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light - A live broadcast on TVE1 on May 16, a show produced by Dutch broadcsters
Eurovision RTVE (Assistente De Voz)
RTVE launches its first Eurovision voice experience for smartphone devices and speakers . Eurofans already have the opportunity to find out, via their voice device, the latest news about their favorite contest. Despite the fact that the competition this year wasn’t celebrated, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the RTVE Lab team aims to entertain the Eurofans who are quarantined by Covid-19 with exclusive content such as a euroquiz, trivial about the contest and karaoke.
The host of all this experience is Tony Aguilar , one of the presenters of the latest editions, who will be in charge of guiding the user through the different sections of this experience, which is already available in both Alexa and Google Home .
How it works
To access this experience you just have to say to your voice assistant “open Eurovisión RTVE” in Alexa and “I want to talk to Eurovisión RTVE” in Google, in an experience also available for Google Assistant for mobiles, both iOS and Android.
Every day you can ask your device to tell you the news about the contest in the last minute section, with audio chronicles in addition to knowing how the candidates live the quarantine, exclusive interviews and much more content. One of the star contents already available is the trivial of the contest, with more than 400 questions for all kinds of levels, in a euroquiz that every day will unlock new questions . In a few days, a karaoke will also be available to relive some of the main musical hits of the competition.
Vote for your top 3 favorites
Every day in the RTVE Eurovision voice assistant will connect with Eurofans from all over Spain to collect their top 3 Eurovision 2020 is. If you want to participate, you just have to record a video with your mobile and upload it to Twitter with the hastag # Top3EurovisiónRTVE. You just send in the three videos that make your top 3 , giving zero points to all the rest.
Follow the steps
To start the action on your voice device you have to say:
In Alexa : “Open Eurovisión RTVE” .
In Google Home and mobiles with Google Assistant you just have to say “ I want to talk to Eurovisión RTVE “.
Once started there will be other ways to move between the contents. The voice commands you can use are: “Play Euroquiz”; “tell me the last hour”; “help”.
The rest of the interactions take place in an induced way , that is to say, answering “Yes” or “No” to the questions of the assistant or choosing some of the options that it gives you (“What do you want to do now: listen to the last hour or play to the Euroquiz? or What level do you want to do: novice, advanced or expert? “).
Source: RTVE
Photos: RTVE