We all saw her win the Albanian national final , Festival i Këngës, back in December with her entry “Shaj”. Now Arilena Ara released the new version of her Eurovision entry titled “Fall from the Sky” .
... Tuesday, 10 March 2020
With the last of the ESC 2020 representatives been selected the previous weekend , the puzzle of this year's participants has been completed. 41 nations to take part with 41 representatives ready to fly the flags in Rotterdam next May.
... Tuesday, 10 March 2020
One more act added to the list of those to feature the Eurovision 2020 grand final interval act: Glennis Grace will be performing during the interval act in Rotterdam next May.
... Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Alicja Szemplińska won the Polish national final, Szansa na Sukces, with her entry entitled "Empires". Today Alicja released the official music video of her song .
... Monday, 09 March 2020
The Maltese Eurovision 2020 representative, Destiny Chukunyere, released today her entry she will be performing in Rotterdam, titled “All of my love”.
... Monday, 09 March 2020