Eurovision 2020

Eurovision 2020: The favorite ESC 2020 entries according to the votes in 10 countries

Eurovision 2020: The favorite ESC 2020 entries according to the votes in 10 countries

Once this year’s Eurovision Song Contest was cancelled the national broadcasters planned their alternative programs, including votings in order to make the shows more interactive with the fans. Lets go and see the results from 10 countries' alternative shows.  ... Monday, 18 May 2020
Eurovision 2020: Big Night In: Iceland is the Aussies' favorite ESC 2020 entry! Check out how Montaigne would have performed her entry in Rotterdam

Eurovision 2020: Big Night In: Iceland is the Aussies' favorite ESC 2020 entry! Check out how Montaigne would have performed her entry in Rotterdam

Iceland's entry 'Think About Things' was crowned Australia’s favorite ESC 2020 entry while Montaigne had the chance to showcase her planned performance of "Don't Break Me"  on Ahoy Rotterdam’s stage.  ... Saturday, 16 May 2020
Tonight: Don't miss out this year's alternative ESC show

Tonight: Don't miss out this year's alternative ESC show "Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light"

Don't miss tonight at 21:00 CET , this year's alternative special Eurovision show : "Eurovision: Europe Shine a Light" ... Saturday, 16 May 2020
Iceland: Italy's Diodato tops the voting of the atlernative ESC show “Okkar 12 stig”

Iceland: Italy's Diodato tops the voting of the atlernative ESC show “Okkar 12 stig”

The Icelandic audience "wanted to make some noise" with its votes during the alternative Eurovision show “Okkar 12 stig” and awarded  maximum 12 points to Diodato from Italy and his entry "Fai Rumore". ... Friday, 15 May 2020
Sweden: Iceland’s Dadi Freyr wins the alternative Eurovision show “Sveriges 12:a”

Sweden: Iceland’s Dadi Freyr wins the alternative Eurovision show “Sveriges 12:a”

Following this year’s hearbraking cancellation of Eurovision 2020, the Swedish broadcaster, SVT, opted for  an alternative Eurovision program. This evening the alternative Eurovision show “Sveriges 12:a” crowned winner Iceland’s Daði & Gagnamagnið. ... Friday, 15 May 2020