Rotterdam Ahoy’s Director: “An unforgettable song contest next year”

Heads up Eurovision fans and acts, this is no time to be sad about our beloved contest ! Ahoy’s Director Rotterdam Ahoy aims to host the canceled Eurovision Song Contest in 2021 and they are doing what is necessary in order to be ready for an unforgettable Eurovision next year!
Not long after it was announced that the mega-event will not take place this year due to the corona crisis, Ahoy director Jolanda Jansen takes the stand to confirm : “We are doing everything we can to keep the Eurovision song contest in Ahoy next year.”
But first, she admits frankly, the fragments of the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 called off by the European Broadcast Union (EBU) must be “cleaned up”, as the preparations for this mega festival in Ahoy, with the grand finale on May 16, were in full swing, even months before, with its own staff, with stage builders, suppliers and security guards and an entire army of people who had to prepare the spectacle for 200 million TV viewers. Unfortunately the corona pandemic made every possible scenario of the song contest impossible.
All this brought enormous disappoitment and she continues saying:
“You know, there was no choice! This applies to all events that cannot take place here. Big and small ones. This is a disaster for everyone. But we are calm about it, because when you see how many parties and how many entrepreneurs suffer damage, everything is relative. That sounds like a cliché, but it is true. We are already looking at the solutions."
Photo credit: Sanne Donders The EBU has already asked if Rotterdam wants to host the Eurovision song contest in 2021
Asked if the EBU has asked them about next year’s contest she says:
"Yes, and Rotterdam is very keen on that. We must see what is possible in Ahoy. The agenda seems free for May next year, but there are always events that have not yet been announced. But our large, annually returning tractors, such as Friends of Amstel LIVE, are in front, and North Sea Jazz afterwards. Those are the calibration moments. So we will do everything we can to organize the song festival of 2021 in Rotterdam Ahoy."
Jolanda Jansen outlined the business and financial consequences of a cancellation in such short time are several as many parties are involved and some costs have already been incurred. However everything will be examined piece by piece and all nesessary decisions will be taken, said Rotterdam Ahoy’s director.
And she concludes saying :
We hope that the Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Ahoy next year. And this party will still be experienced in a grand way. In the year that we exist 50 years and opened our new building. A historical, unforgettable happening will take place.